P A G E 6
Reforestation Collaboration Agreement
As menƟoned in the newsleƩer’s introductory arƟcle,
reforestaƟon will be an important component of DLC’s SAVA
ConservaƟon iniƟaƟve. We intended to carry out reforestaƟon
efforts ourselves by working with local villagers, focusing on
zones that border the important protected areas. However, in
the very early stages of the project, we learned that a Belgian
NGO, Graine de Vie (Seed of Life), has been working for
several years already, exclusively on reforestaƟon, in the SAVA
and adjoining Masoala area. Erik and Lanto visited Graine de
Vie (GdV) tree nurseries and reforestaƟon sites, and met with
the director and personnel of GdV. We learned that GdV is
quite a dynamic organizaƟon that is quickly expanding its operaƟons, including to some of
the sensiƟve zones around protected areas. Although they have only been working in the
region since 2009, they have already planted around 500,000 trees at 5 different sites in
northeastern Madagascar, and expect to surpass the million
tree mark later this year! Most importantly, GdV is working
closely with local villagers – each village that parƟcipates in
the reforestaƟon (and there are many on the waiƟng list) is
required to sign a ‘dina’ which is a locally enacted law that
prohibits all burning in the reforestaƟon areas. Such assured
protecƟon and village cooperaƟon is an essenƟal part of
reforestaƟon in Madagascar. Rather than duplicate the work
of GdV in the area of reforestaƟon, we have entered into an
agreement of collaboraƟon. DLC‐SC will support 3 village tree
nurseries and subsequent reforestaƟon, at sites in the
Marojejy NaƟonal Park peripheral zone. Erik and Lanto will be
able to monitor the
progress of the nurseries,
and will have input into the
species of trees planted.
We will keep you updated
on this exciƟng aspect of
the project!
Village tree nurse-
ry being tended to
by local women
(Photo by Erik
V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1
Sign at one of the
village tree nurse-
ries which at the
bottom states "to
protect the envi-
ronment is ex-
pensive - to do
nothing is much
more expensive!"
(Photo by Erik Patel)
inspections of
GdV's nurseries
and reforestation.
From left: Gerard Poncet (GdV, Madagascar Chief), Dorian
Andrindrainy (MBG), Désiré Rabary (Simpona), Erik Patel
(DLC), Frédéric Debouche (GdV, President and Founder)
(Photo by Dylan)