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DLC’s Bevan Clark visits SAVA Conservation
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As part of the DLC’s program to bring staff to Madagascar, lead primate tech Bevan Clark visited SAVA Conservation
in November 2014. After a quick visit to a few DLC-SC community based conservation activities, she made the trek into
Marojejy National Park to see primary rainforest and in particular the silky sifaka lemurs. Bevan was accompanied by
Erik, as well as Mary and Bary Menne, who made the SAVA trip as an extension to their two week Duke Alumni Travel
tour of Madagascar. Not only did the group make it to the scenic camp #2, but they even made the difficult climb to
camp #3, in typical wet and muddy Marojejy weather! But sightings of silky sifakas made the slog more than
After the Marojejy excursion, Bevan stayed at Desiré Rabary’s compound at Matsobe, while working daily in
Antanetiambo Reserve, observing and filming the bamboo lemurs there.
A sincere thank you for generous support from the
Trent Foundation
and the
Peter and Kristan Norvig Family Fund
for enabling DLC to draw ever closer ties between DLC-US and our SAVA Conservation project as well as the MFG
consortium work at Ivoloina. DLC hopes to continue bringing a staff member to Madagascar on an annual basis, to
introduce them to the other side of our DLC lemur obsession!
Bevan waiting to start the trek up to Marojejy, beside portioned loads for porters.