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D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
V O L . 4 , N O . 2
Botanical Survey in Marojejy
By working with collaborators
and partners, SAVA Conservation is
able to achieve much more in terms
of conservation, than if we tried to
do everything ourselves. In that
Madagascar is a priority ‘biodiversity
hotspot’, many conservation organi-
zations are active in Madagascar,
which presents frequent opportuni-
ties to collaborate. Missouri Botani-
cal Garden (MBG) personnel were
engaged by SAVA Conservation to
carry out a botanical survey in a re-
mote sector of Marojejy National
Park, in the zone around borne 37,
during the drier months of October/November. The area was already known to be one
where deforestation and even burning for cultivation had oc-
curred in the past, and the MBG survey demonstrated that to
be true. The professional MBG team used 5 botanical plots
and 9 transects in a sampling of the vegetation of the area. In
all, 135 plant species were identified, in a mosaic of primary
and secondary forest, and including also some open areas of
herbaceous vegetation. If all had been primary forest, more
total species would have been expected.
The choosing of the borne 37 zone for the survey was not
random. We knew there were problems of intrusion into the
reserve in that area, as there was no shortage of evidence of
cutting over time. The botanical study was a useful method to
demonstrate to our collaborators at Madagascar National
Parks (MNP) the problems in that part of the park. As a result
of the study, MNP has already carried out investigative action
in that part of Marojejy. Also, the botanical study provides a
good baseline for the existing flora in the area, which would
be extremely useful if forest restoration efforts are undertak-
en at some point in the future.
We are very grateful to Richard Randrianaivo of MBG, and
Jacky Andriatiana of Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimba-
zaza for their diligent work in carrying out the survey. Richard
and Jacky were accompanied by both MNP and DLC-SAVA
Conservation contract personnel.
by Charlie Welch (from MBG Report)
Richard taking a GPS reading, with the survey team.
Pressing plant samples.
Richard with plant samples in a press to dry.