P A G E 9
V O L . 4 , N O . 2
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5
Support of Environmental Education at Macolline Botanical Garden Begins
by Charlie Welch
As mentioned in the vol. 3, no. 3 news-
letter from last year, SAVA Conservation
has been planning to extend environmen-
tal education to Antalaha, in the southern
part of the SAVA region, through support
of organized school visits to Macolline
Botanical Garden. That collaboration has
now begun with the startup of SAVA
sponsored class visits to Macolline in No-
vember. The class tours of the botanical
garden and interpretive center are given
by experienced guides, and include pre-
paratory and follow-up meetings and dis-
cussions with the students. The collabora-
tion is an exciting expansion of SAVA Con-
servation environmental education objec-
tives in the region, and we are very
pleased to be working with Macolline
owner operator Madame Marie Helene
Kam Hyo, and her dedicated assistant
Joey Moscovitch. We fully expect the
partnership to grow over time, and are pleased to know that youth of Antalaha and surrounding area will now be
exposed to environmental education, in what is a critical part of the SAVA region.
Instruction in the Macolline interpretive center.
A class on a visit to Macolline.