SAVA July 2015 Newsletter - page 10

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Supporting Lemur Projects with the School for
International Training (SIT) in Marojejy
Over the past several years, SAVA Conservation has
supported several undergraduate research projects on
wild silky sifakas with students from the
Based in Fort Dauphin
(Taolagnaro) in southeastern Madagascar, this four
month study abroad course is one of the oldest and
most renowned undergraduate programs in Madagas-
car. In addition to coursework and language training, all
students conduct an independent study project during
their final month. Past students hosted by SAVA Con-
servation include
Nomin Lyons, and
Perri Sheinbaum who conducted research projects on
silky sifaka diet, ranging, and grooming, respectively.
Many of their students continue on to Masters and PhD
In February, several Marojejy guides who started their own nature reserves in the SA-
VA region, (Desiré Rabary and Jackson) were invited to speak to SIT students in Taolag-
naro at their main office. The students showed considerable interest and a thought pro-
voking discussion ensued. SAVA Conservation is pleased to participate in SIT’s training
for potential conservation professionals, and we look forward to continued collaboration.
by Dr. Erik Patel
Left to right: Jackson, Jim Hansen (SIT Academic Director), Barry
Ferguson (SIT Academic Coordinator), Desiré Rabary
Left to right: Seraphin, Janvier, Nestor, Guy, and SIT Student Perri Sheinbaum, at
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