SAVA July 2015 Newsletter - page 15

P A G E 1 5
V O L . 4 , N O . 1
J U L Y 2 0 1 5
ner with RANOALA to reforest 4.1 hectares (10.1 acres) of their barren land just outside of the city. During rainy sea-
son, between January and March 2015, nearly 8000 trees were planted, including 4000 Acacia, 2000 Mandrorofo, and
1700 Mango trees. It has only been a few months, but it is encouraging to see that many of the young seedlings are
doing well, particularly the Acacia which grows remarkably fast (see photo below). Our biggest challenge now is
battling the many weeds which have cropped up! We look forward to working with RANOALA more in the future and
hope that such reforestation efforts will be imitated by other owners of degraded land in the SAVA region.
Meyers, D., Ramamonjisoa, B., Sève, J., Rajafindramanga, M. and Burren, C. (2006). 'Etude sur la consommation et
la production en produits ligneux'. Jariala/USAID.
Montagne P. et al. (2010). Arina, le charbon de bois à Madagascar : entre demande urbaine et gestion durable. An-
tananarivo, Cite, 187 p.
Planted out Acacia seedlings.
New Reforestation Project in Sambava with RANOALA
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